here is the formula
highm = IIF( H > Ref( H, -1 ), H - Ref( H, - 1), 0 );
lowm = IIF( L < Ref( L, -1 ), Ref( L, - 1 ) - L, 0 );
Tom D = 100 * Sum( highm, 13 )/( Sum( lowm, 13 ) + Sum( highm, 13 ) );
Learn Trading Forex, Trading Strategy, Forex Brokers, Forex Review, Forex Signals
highm = IIF( H > Ref( H, -1 ), H - Ref( H, - 1), 0 );
lowm = IIF( L < Ref( L, -1 ), Ref( L, - 1 ) - L, 0 );
Tom D = 100 * Sum( highm, 13 )/( Sum( lowm, 13 ) + Sum( highm, 13 ) );
The reality of trading is that there is no such trading system in existence. It never has existed and never will. The fact that some software packages label an indicator the ‘Holy Grail’ only serves to whet the appetite of some people further and arouse their suspicion of what it could be and how they will find it.
It is also widely accepted that your own psychology or mindset is the largest single determinant of your trading success followed by your ability to manage risk. The small remainder of the ingredients to your trading success is your system which includes your entry signal.
When most traders start trading, they spend most of their time on developing their entry conditions. They will learn about various technical indicators, trends and chart patterns, and how they can be interpreted and applied to their trading.
In his book ‘Market Wizards’, Jack Schwager interviews numerous profitable traders in the United States. There is an interesting observation to be made about most of them. Often Schwager asked if they were to start trading again, what would they do differently.
Many answered that they would not have wasted as much time initially on their entry signals and they would have rather spent that time concentrating and developing their risk management rules and working on their own mindset or psychology.
When trading does not go well for most traders though, they begin to wonder what part of their entry conditions is failing them. Thoughts like is it the data they are using, the software, should they use different moving averages like weighted or exponential, or look at hourly data.
It is obvious that entry conditions are a necessary part of any trading plan but their importance is often overrated. Numerous texts have been written about various entry signals yet not enough focus on what is really important to trading.
This may not help the beginner who naturally assumes that their entry signal is the most important part of their trading plan and therefore they shall spend most of their time developing that.
Unfortunately some traders who have looked for the Holy Grail try to lay the blame for their lack of success on external factors. It might be the software they are using or the new entry signal they acquired from reading a book, but at the end of the day they should look no further than themselves.
These wave characteristics assume a bull market in equities. The characteristics apply in reverse in bear markets.
Open = 1.3310
High = 1.3324
Low = 1.3279
Close = 1.3310
Pivot = 1.3304
Support and resistance for june 15 2007
R1 = 1.3330
R2 = 1.3349
R3 = 1.3375
S1 = 1.3285
S2 = 1.3259
S3 = 1.3240
Open = 1.9726
High = 1.9736
Low = 1.9658
Close = 1.9692
Pivot = 1.9695
Support and resistance for june 15 2007
R1 = 1.9733
R2 = 1.9773
R3 = 1.9811
S1 = 1.9655
S2 = 1.9617
S3 = 1.9577
Open = 1.3426
High = 1.3428
Low = 1.3321
Close = 1.3368
Pivot = 1.3372
Support and resistance for june 11 2007
R1 = 1.3424
R2 = 1.3479
R3 = 1.3531
S1 = 1.3317
S2 = 1.3265
S3 = 1.3210
Open = 1.9771
High = 1.9793
Low = 1.9623
Close = 1.9681
Pivot = 1.9699
Support and resistance for june 11 2007
R1 = 1.9775
R2 = 1.9869
R3 = 1.9945
S1 = 1.9605
S2 = 1.9529
S3 = 1.9435
Trading strategy is applying technical and fundamental analysis in a trading method, this method (strategy) have to document three things before we can call it strategy:
1- The chart setup.
2- Entry point.
3- Exit point.
Let’s look in these basic elements of any strategy:
Any trading strategy have to start with information about the chart setup of the strategy which include:
Some of strategies extends the basic requirements of the chart setup but it can be less than those three basics.
The strategy main approach is persuading you that if you entered the market now and at this point you will be a winner.
The entry points distinguishing between the strategies and it even between the same strategy but different versions or updates.
Some simple strategies requires less than two conditions to occur to trigger the Buy/Sell signals, for example the Moving Average strategy requires only crossing slow and fast moving average indicators.
Complex strategies requires more conditions for more accuracy, however it trades leaser than simple strategies.
Entering a trade at the good time is very important thing the strategy, however, exiting the trade is more important than entering the trade.
Ideas like “Let the profit run and cut losses earlier” and “Money Management” making the exiting is a strategy itself.
Exiting strategy have to care about the following points:
1- Stop loss level: When to exit the trade with the minimum loss.
2- Take profit level: When to exit the trade with the maximum profit you can take.
3- Close conditions: The strategy may provide point where the trade have to be close. For example in our simple moving average crossing strategy; if the open position was a result of an up cross of the fast to the slow moving average, the opened position have to be closed when in the cross reversal.
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Forex is an interbank market that was created in 1971 when international trade transitioned from fixed to floating exchange rates. Since then the rates of currencies relative to each other are determined by the most obvious means which is the exchange at a mutually agreed rate.
This market surpasses the others in its volume. For example, the daily turnover of world securities market is estimated at $300 billion, while Forex approaches 1 to 3 TRILLION US dollars in the same amount of time.
However, Forex is not a market in a traditional sense. It doesn't have a fixed location of the trading floor as, for example, futures market does. The trading is done over the telephone and at the computer terminals in hundreds of banks around the world simultaneously.
Futures and securities markets have one more significant feature distinguishing them from Forex, and at the same time restricting them. The trading is suspended at the end of each day and resumed only next morning. Thus, should certain significant developments occur in the USA, the opening of Russian market next morning could quite surprise you, if you're trading there.
Forex is open 24 hours a day, and the currency exchange operations are maintained throught working days of the week. Almost every time zone (London, New York, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Sydney) has dealers willing to quote currencies.